Wednesday 9 October 2013

An Elder Scrolls Saga: Part 2 - The Final Stretch

Part 2 of my Elder Scrolls Fan Fiction is almost complete. Already I can tell that some aspect of the story are not going to feel complete as I thought they would feel, and an upcoming battle (this was posted after chapter  15 had been posted/before 16) may feel as though a last minute thought, when it has been planned for a long time. I just didn't allude to it as I wanted it to feel sudden, and out of the blue.

After this is complete, I will begin to take another look at my Fallout FF, and also fix errors and typos in ESSaga P1, that really need to be corrected. I was reading through it the other day, and was amazed at how glaring some errors were. Extra words, using the wrong words etc. It'll be fixed as well as me getting back into the Fallout universe.

That's all for now

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