Monday 7 July 2014

Starship Valiant: Legacy - My Thoughts.

Starship Valiant: Legacy is a Vignette. Albeit a long one at just under 20 minutes. The story primarily follows a Commander Jackson K Bishop (Hope I remembered that right) as he deals with the aftermath of an attack on the Valiant, the loss of his captain as well as a-hundred others.

The first scene on the ship didn't impress me. I found the audio poor, and some of the acting to be off. From there, I enjoyed what I saw, though strange audio anomalies are audible throughout. Most notably during the heated discussion between Bishop and his daughter. When the camera changes, all audio from the previous shot is artificially cut. There should be some bleed-through of sounds. For example if someone is finishing a sentence, and the camera cuts to a different angle, we should still be able to hear the very last part of the sentence, even if it was just an exhale of breath.

Okay, I'm going to break it down into:

The Good:

1 - Well acted. Surprisingly so. The characters for the most part were very well realised. More so than pretty much any fan film I have ever seen.

2 - Commander Bishop. I enjoyed the performance. While not perfect, the character was believable. The actor really got down the subtleties of acting. You could see it in his face what he was feeling.

3 - The admiral. I liked the admiral, who we saw on the viewer. She seemed like the type who didn't take any crap from anyone, while also being very sincere . The type where people would mistake her kindness for weakness.

4 - Leeza Kennedy. Like this character. When she steps on the bridge near the end,  I thought the music choice to be odd. More of a Kirk girl music cue. While she doesn't come across initially as anything special, her performance quickly changes all that. There is something passionate and almost 'spiritual' about the way the actress plays the part. She comes across as someone you'd want around if things weren't going well.

The Bad.

1 - Audio as stated got a little clunky, and at times there wasn't any continuity between shots.

2 - I feel we could have cut a lot of dialogue. It's rare to find actors in fan films who I honestly believe could carry a scene on expressions and posture alone. I believe that the actor portraying Bishop could pull it off.

The Unexplained.

1 - Why were the officers at helm and navigation wearing different insignia's? They appeared to be from Starship Ajax (An upcoming fan film project) Did the Ajax send them over as relief? Was the Ajax involved in that battle?

If I were to give this an arbitrary score that means nothing in the long run, I'd give this effort a solid 7/10.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for your honest review and I really appreciate your insight. Would love to read your thoughts on our current "prequel" film: Again, thank you so much for taking the time to write.
