Thursday 30 January 2014

Star Trek: Overwatch - Building the World

Star Trek is a very visual medium. From the starships to the colour palette of the sets, it has quite a unique look and feel. Putting that on the page can be quite daunting, as it's very important to get the "feel" right. As Overwatch is set in the TOS time-frame, I try to get the characters to somewhat feel like they should, as though this fanfic could have been written in the late 60's. (I will use "warp factor" a lot as it's a TOS term.)

Having said that though, I don't want to limit myself. That means that while I want the over-all feel to be classic Trek, It will have some modern ideas, and feature terminology from later Trek shows, such as plasma for an example. I will endeavour not to do all out technobabble. (The energy field outputs a quantum trionic field. We can destabilize it by reconfiguring the phaser banks to output a frequency of 1.54 Terajoules while the captain simultaneously pats his head.) - None of that S. If I do it to that extent, (minus the head pat part) then call me out on it.

Anyway, as I stated earlier that Trek is a visual medium I made some pictures using a self-modified version of Vance's toolkit, which is essentially a series of 2d images from 3 different angles. Top, side, front. I added rear and bottom and coloured them.

Warning pictures reveal my real name. My identity has been blown!!! (Also these pics are like 3 years old)
U.S.S. Evergreen This ship is front and centre for Fire and Rain, the first story in what will be a more casual series. As in each story doesn't have to follow directly on from the last.

U.S.S. Shaandra This ship also features predominantly. Each ship mission patch I made myself.
U.S.S. London Mentioned a few times.

The Shaandra and the London are actually FASA ships I believe. I took liberties with both the Shaandra and the London, changing the exact type. (Both are Constitution and Loknar, I just made them variants) Both their name, registry and basic class are correct with Memory Beta.

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