Saturday 4 May 2013

Fallout: Ash and Dirt - Fan fiction story changes and Elder Scrolls TotBatB Cover

For a while I've been thinking about splitting the four stories in this one "novel" (in quotes as can one call a fan fiction a novel?) into four actual separate "novels". I think it will make it easier on both me the writer and the you reader if I do this. Not only is the cast of each story going to increase, but the Brotherhood of Steel Story Arch will feature a huge cast, and I know it will get too complex to keep track of characters from chapter to chapter, especially when there's a three chapter gap between them.
I also have to keep a close eye on dates. Each chapter, I feel, has to be set at the same time or later than the previous. This limits what I can do and feel that if one were to lag behind in date than the other than it would be weird. To separate them means I can be more concise and it will be more fluid and easier to follow.
I'll try and figure out exactly what it is I'll be doing at a later date, but for now I'm going to put the story on a short hiatus until I can figure out how to properly do it.

For my Elder Scrolls fan fiction, I've finished part one (Probably still a load of errors I have yet to find) and I made a cover for it.
On the images are teeny tiny, so here it is in big. Maybe I'll point people who read my stories (all 4 of them D:) to here. Or maybe someone just taking a gander through the blogosphere will find this interesting, who knows.
The full size image of the original is something like 1651 -2476 and photobucket didn't seem to like that, so this image is 600 - 900.


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