Thursday 25 April 2013

ES: Tales of the Bold and the Brave Update

First up, I think I'm going to use this as a kind of chronology. To look back and see the things I've done regarding my fan stories and how they progressed.

Okay, into the meat of the post. Today (It was so late that it was today) I started to update my Elder Scrolls Story. (Tales of the Bold and The Brave)
Before I had Part 1 and some of Part 2 written. I've decided to split them. Part 1 will be a complete story and part 2 will be something separate. This makes it easier for me and will give me an actually finished story, even if it will carry on at some point. Another thing, is that I have to alter part 2 as the Dragonborn DLC revealed more into how far the Argonians got into Morrowind, so I have to alter some things regarding that.

I am also reading through those early chapters and grinding my teeth over how it reads. I've re-written parts of Chapter 1 to make the sentences easier to read and more natural. There was awful punctuation in parts, far too many commas and no full stops in the correct place. It just goes to show that I have progressed in my writing. Enough to see how bad the early stuff was, and in the future, probably how the current stuff still is.

So my goal now is to continue writing for Fallout: Ash And Dirt and edit all of the Chapters for ES: Tales of the Bold and the Brave (AaD and TotBatB, as I will probably refer to them from now on.)

While I do have ideas for other stories set in franchises, I'll just stick to these for now. Trying to get too many ideas onto "paper" as it were was what burned me out last time and stopped me from writing for months. I just have to keep it up and hone my skill if I ever want to actually be a proper writer someday.

Now to think of a subtitle for TotBatB, if I'm to split P1 and P2.


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