Tuesday 22 April 2014

Elder Scrolls Online - AKA Why I'm Not Buying

First off here's a link to a review by Angry Joe. Second I haven't played ESO. All I have to say is based on several opinions that I have heard.
It outlines pretty much all of my fears of why Elder Scrolls doesn't work in an MMO space. The commentary of how you're sneaking and then another player comes in hopping about like an idiot, or going to the cave to kill spiders on a side quest only to find other players standing around farming them. It just breaks immersion. You're so aware that this is a game that you can't become wrapped inside the world, cannot become immersed.

Full price plus the subscription model isn't worth it. Not when Skyrim and Oblivion can offer such better experience.

Another thing, is apparently how the loot works. It's on a first comes gets it. Essentially whoever gets it first has it and everyone else has to wait a minute or so till it respawns. Dumb. I don't want to be doing a quest to find a guy called "Mr Snuggles" runs in hopping about like an idiot, grabs all the stuff then runs out. It'd really irritate me.

If it ever goes free to play, then I may take a look, but to buy something that is barely an ES game and is an average MMO just ain't worth it.

Edit: Holy moly. This post was made one year after my very first post.

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