Sunday 27 April 2014

One Year On/Original Sci-Fi fic/ESS/TUToT/future posts

Prepare for the scattergun of a post that follows.

It has been one year six days since my first post. My last post was actually on the exact day, one year later.
I'm glad that I started this blog. It's become somewhat of an online diary, because as I read through it I can see everything that I've done in the last year, and it makes me feel somewhat accomplished in regards to my writing. How I've gone back to fix a story, only to then go back again because I've progressed and seen that it still needed work. It also cements my mindset at a certain point, and perhaps I'll look back and wonder "What was I thinking?"

My OF is going quite well thus far. There are already things I know I'm going to change on my second draft. One thing I made sure I did from the get go was add diversity in both ethnicity and gender. One of my leads, if not the lead is African born and my second is Hispanic. Heck the first character I introduce is the President of the Planetary Union and he's Arab.
The premise of this story has been done before, I'm not going to pretend that it's a new idea. My goal though is to be more involved with the people of the story, to see different perspectives from people in different areas. Though mainly it's military/government/and a little bit of civilian. (though I'm thinking of expanding this in draft 2)

I'm happy with the way this is progressing. I'm sticking to releasing the Prologue/Chapter 1 in June. Whether it's the beginning middle or end of June is another matter.

This is a cool little community page on started by someone by the username your.daily.dose.of.fanfic. I'm a staff member (Albeit a rather useless one) along with SuperGreG and also Augustinian Frog. The community's goal is to find decent original fiction set in the Elder Scrolls universe that isn't just a novelization of the games or that feature the playable characters of the games.
I'm hoping that someone comes across this, who'll take some interest (After-all I myself have found gems after reading random blogs).
The-Untold-Tales-of-Tamriel (I'll be making a proper post about this later if I remember)

I may expand this blog, or I may make a new one where I'll be maybe reviewing books I've read or albums I've heard. This is all a maybe though and is far from set in stone. I also was going to say something else here, but forgot while writing the rest of the post. D'oh.

Tuesday 22 April 2014

Elder Scrolls Online - AKA Why I'm Not Buying

First off here's a link to a review by Angry Joe. Second I haven't played ESO. All I have to say is based on several opinions that I have heard.
It outlines pretty much all of my fears of why Elder Scrolls doesn't work in an MMO space. The commentary of how you're sneaking and then another player comes in hopping about like an idiot, or going to the cave to kill spiders on a side quest only to find other players standing around farming them. It just breaks immersion. You're so aware that this is a game that you can't become wrapped inside the world, cannot become immersed.

Full price plus the subscription model isn't worth it. Not when Skyrim and Oblivion can offer such better experience.

Another thing, is apparently how the loot works. It's on a first comes gets it. Essentially whoever gets it first has it and everyone else has to wait a minute or so till it respawns. Dumb. I don't want to be doing a quest to find a guy called "Mr Snuggles" runs in hopping about like an idiot, grabs all the stuff then runs out. It'd really irritate me.

If it ever goes free to play, then I may take a look, but to buy something that is barely an ES game and is an average MMO just ain't worth it.

Edit: Holy moly. This post was made one year after my very first post.

Thursday 10 April 2014

An Elder Scrolls Saga Part 3 and Other Stuff.

ESS: Of Tooth and Nail
I have the outline, and I've begun to write part 3 of my Elder Scrolls fanfic. Already I can tell that this is going to be massive with huge amounts of characters in all different locations all doing different things. I might actually burst through the 100,000 word mark (so far my stories are from 70,000-80,000 words [approx])

In a way, this marks the end of a trilogy, even though it's not the end of the story. The end point is really just yet another start. Will it be of another trilogy? I'm not sure, but I already know the gist of book 4, and what it will entail.

Original Fic
I'm also writing an original fiction. It's sci-fi set in a universe I created. My earliest document on this is 25th March 2012, and some of the ideas began well before then. Writing fan fiction was a gateway into this, writing my own story, that I actually own. Playing in other people's universes is fun, but at the end of the day it belongs to someone else, and I can never really claim any ownership for it, apart from the original characters I created, but they are so entwined in those owned universes that the two are integral.

So far I'm trying to write 1000 words a day, though sometimes I go over that by an extra 400, but other times I struggle to get as many as 1000.

What this means is that I will be spending less time on my fan fiction, yet I do still enjoy writing for them, so they probably won't stop, just slow down.